Your Guide To Reporting & Analytics


Call center dashboards and reporting by datapine

Consumers are more empowered than ever before. With access to an ever-growing number of digital touchpoints for connecting with peers, conducting research, and making all-important buying decisions, it’s up to today’s businesses to provide a level of service that is outstanding across the board.

There’s no denying it: providing a flawless level of customer service is vital if you want to enjoy a successful and sustainable commercial future – and it’s likely that your contact center is the beating heart of your entire consumer-facing operation.

That said, to improve the overall efficiency, productivity, performance, and intelligence of your service department you will need to leverage the wealth of digital data available at your fingertips. And the best way to do so is by using digital dashboards and a modern online reporting tool.

Before looking at the benefits, features, and functions of call center reporting processes, it’s important to consider the role of a customer service report in formulating a forward-thinking, innovative business strategy that will ultimately transform your service levels from average to exceptional (and keep them that way).

But before we go any further, let’s define the key concept!

What Is Call Center Analytics?

Call center analytics is the process of tracking relevant service data to identify insights that will lead to improved customer support and increased satisfaction with the help of professional reports and interactive dashboards.

Often, call centers have a bad reputation for long waiting times, repetitive explanations, and non-resolved issues. With many businesses working in saturated markets client satisfaction should be one of the main priorities for any organization that wants to be successful. Selling a quality product or service will be nothing if your customers are not happy with your brand.  

By taking advantage of contact center analysis, you will significantly improve the performance of your contact center and give your organization a competitive advantage. 

One area where it can be especially useful is contact center software. These tools are designed to track and manage customer interactions across a variety of channels, from email and phone to social media and live chat. By integrating call center analytics with your contact center software, you can gain deeper insights into how customers are interacting with your brand, identify areas for improvement, and optimize your customer service strategies accordingly.

What Is A Call Center Dashboard?

A call center dashboard example showing the first call resolution, average response rate, etc.

A call center dashboard is an intuitive visual reporting tool that displays a range of relevant contact center metrics and KPIs that allow customer service managers and teams to monitor and optimize performance and spot emerging trends in a central location.

The digestible visual displays associated with call center reporting not only help to simplify the analysis process, thereby significantly reducing data consumption time – but the interactive nature of these reports empowers users to extract invaluable real-time insights with ease.

Online data visualization tools are the fast track to improved customer service intelligence, and robust contact center dashboards exist for that very purpose.

Benefits Of Call Center Dashboards And Reports

As you may have gathered, contact center dashboards are vital to the ongoing health, cohesion, and success of your business’s activities.

To put the power of these customer service-centric reports into perspective, here is a glance at the benefits of interactive dashboards:

  • A consumer-based analysis report can help you improve your customer-facing interactions exponentially by allowing you to increase overall productivity and improve complaint response and resolution rates.
  • The insights offered by a contact department dashboard will provide a level of insight that will help you spot service inefficiencies, empowering you to streamline your processes, cut costs, enhancing service, and employee motivation levels as a direct result of your efforts.
  • Agent metrics will help you to assist those that need help in particular areas of their role while helping to engage your staff by using a more personable approach. These actions will lead to a happier workforce, enhancing the level of guidance you give your customers.
  • With robust real-time analysis, you can spot trends and deal with any potential issues as they occur, nipping them in the bud before they spiral into more detrimental, time-consuming problems.
  • As the data is presented in an interactive, intuitive, and visual format, it’s possible to view, absorb, analyze, and share vital metrics easily, saving time and aiding cross-departmental collaboration. Plus, the completely customizable nature of contact center technology means that you can tailor your KPI dashboards to your specific needs or preferences, making your data-driven insights all the more digestible across the board.
  • When considering how to build a dashboard, communication is key. As modern customer service dashboards are accessible via a multitude of mediums, including mobile, customer service executives and agents can view and analyze essential metrics at the swipe of a screen or the click of a button 24/7, simply by creating a modern mobile dashboard – improved communication and enhanced organizational transparency in one smart data-driven dashboard.

Without a doubt, to deliver a truly exceptional level of support, it’s imperative to understand your consumers and their interactions on a deeper level – that’s where contact center-based data-driven insights come in.

Put simply, customer service is the beating heart of your entire operation. Once you decide to invest more in your customer-facing efforts and take measures to improve your strategies, you will reap great rewards.

Consider this for a moment: it’s possible to trace the history of commerce back 150,000 years, with face-to-face communication being the only viable means of customer service. Some 1,500 centuries later, not only do we have a multitude of communicative methods but a depth of digital insight that can help us make vital customer service-based decisions – and dashboards make sense of this wealth of available information. But not only, as online data analysis offers the means to identify your strengths, weaknesses, faults, and triumphs in a variety of areas, and you can use this information to improve and enhance your organizational progress on an ongoing basis.

A customer service report helps organizations to take corrective measures to set internal targets, monitor agent progress levels and analyze efficiencies in various areas including complaint resolution, response rate, and overall productivity levels.

The rate at which information is produced has now increased exponentially. For example, 40,000 search queries are performed per second via Google alone, which equates to 3.46 million searches per day and 1.2 trillion each year. The metrics are out there, and by using them to your advantage, you stand to improve every element of your service center’s performance.

Seventy-five percent of businesses report that they are measuring customer engagement but cannot define what it is. Embrace the power of contact center reporting and analytics, and you will accelerate your commercial growth exponentially. Now we will take a look at the best steps, tips, and tricks to analyze your information in a customer-centric environment.

How To Perform Call Center Analytics?

We’ve established that call center dashboards offer a wealth of invaluable information for streamlining your consumer-facing activities. But how do you analyze contact center performance and success?

When it comes to improving your department with call center data analytics, there are a number of key elements to consider. Here, we’re going to look at why and how to analyze your entire department for improved performance and success – starting with the importance of setting your goals.

How to analyze data in a call center: 1. Set your goals, 2. Work with the right metrics, 3. Support your agents, 4. Analyze all touchpoints, 5. Use call center predictive analytics

1. Set your goals

Once you’ve made the executive decision to invest in your service strategies and dig deeper into contact center metrics and reporting, you will need to set clear-cut goals.

While your ultimate goal in terms of call center analytics reporting will be to improve your customer service offerings and maintain them, if you want to yield real results, it’s important to establish specific areas of potential improvement.

Gather in a collaborative environment and ask yourself why and how you might want to improve your customer service strategies. Here are some questions you might want to consider:

  • How responsive are our agents, and can we improve our overall responsivity levels?
  • How efficient is our existing customer service department structure?
  • Does everyone in the department have the tools and insights to perform their job to the best of their capabilities?
  • Are my staff members happy and motivated?
  • How financially efficient is my department’s operation?
  • Should I take measures to improve communication and innovation in my customer service department?

By asking yourself these essential questions, you will be able to set actionable goals and, in turn, use a call center analytics dashboard to achieve the results you deserve. Once you’ve set your goals, you can select the right customer service KPIs to give you the visual intelligence you need to succeed.

2. Work with the right metrics

Once you’ve set clear-cut strategic goals and have a better understanding of the KPIs you will need to work with to achieve them, it’s time to dig a little deeper into contact center reporting and analytics.

When you consider the question, ‘how do you analyze information in a call center?’, metrics are the answer. If you work with the right metrics in your contact center metrics dashboard, you will gain the level of insight you need to make your customer service department the most efficient it can be.

Here are the key metrics you should consider including within your call center software:

  • First Response Time
  • Call Volume Trends
  • Call Handle Time
  • First Call Resolution (FCR)
  • Quality of Recent Support
  • Average Wait Time
  • Customer Satisfaction & Recommendations
  • Top Support Agents
  • Customer Retention
  • Support Costs Vs. Revenue

We will go into more detail on the key metrics you should track later in the post.

3. Support your agents

It doesn’t matter how streamlined your customer service strategies are – if your service agents are disengaged, unmotivated, or unproductive, your department will suffer.

When working with a call center metrics dashboard, it’s important you analyze KPIs and metrics related to support agent performance on a regular basis. Doing so should be a top priority.

If you notice problems in individual or group performance, you will be able to drill down deeper into the issue and put strategic measures in place to improve engagement, performance, and motivation.

For instance, if you notice that a particular agent’s performance is consistently dwindling, you can reach out and offer tailored support or training that will empower them to do their job better. Never underestimate the power of helping the people on the front line – especially if you have the information to do so.

4. Analyze all touchpoints

In the digital age, consumers have a multitude of communicative platforms and touchpoints at their fingertips. From telephone assistance to email and social media, when it comes to providing a seamless level of support, it’s vital to cover all possible touchpoints.

A contact center performance tool offers a wealth of invaluable insight that will empower you to build a customer service team that exceeds expectations on a regular basis, and by allowing your service talents to analyze information in other related areas of the business, you will push yourself ahead of the pack.

5. Use call center predictive analytics  

Last but not least our list of tips is to implement predictive features in your process. By using predictive analytics you will be able to find trends in your data and define benchmarks that will allow for better performance tracking and better strategies based on possible outcomes. Some of the benefits of predictive analytics are: 

  • Call Volume: Thanks to predictive analytics you can identify call volume trends during specific times of the day or night in which your contact center requires full staffing and plan your workforce accordingly. In the long run, this will not only improve your performance but will also save your company resources from hiring agents in unnecessary shifts. 
  • Customer Behaviour: Call center predictive analytics uses historical insights to predict future outcomes. By implementing this technology you can have a deeper understanding of your customer’s behavior, for example, how long are they willing to wait in a call? At what times are they more likely to call? What channels are their favorites? 
  • Seasonality: You will also be able to understand which important holidays or commercial dates, like Black Friday or Christmas, are more relevant for your brand and plan your strategies and personnel ahead to ensure optimal service during these dates. 

5 Tips For Effective Call Center Reporting

5 Tips For Effective Call Center Reporting: 1. Incorporate customer feedback, 2.Benefit from interactive visualizations, 3. Make the data accessible, 4. Invest in call center reporting tools, 5. Learn, apply & repeat

Once you have defined your goals and main metrics is time to build quality reports to display your results and start extracting actionable insights from your call center data. Here we will give you 5 invaluable tips that will help you make outstanding reports to exceed your performance. 

1. Incorporate customer feedback for performance analysis

We’ll start this list with a point that might seem obvious but it’s not always taken into account. When performing reporting tasks, you should always use customer feedback as one of the prime markers to measure your performance. As we mentioned before, customers are the ones who will decide if a company is successful or not. This is why taking into consideration positive and negative comments is an invaluable tool to measure customer satisfaction and find possible improvement opportunities. 

Studies say that around 17% of all customers say that they never get the chance to provide feedback and 37% say they only get to provide feedback occasionally. For this reason, you should plan strategies ahead of time and create an effective survey to send to customers in order to collect the needed data. The survey should be short, concise, and specific to the main organizational goal. It can be done at the end of a successful call, via email, or on social media channels. In the end, having this kind of information for your call center reporting process will not only improve your agent’s performance but also reduce your customer churn and increase your levels of satisfaction. 

2. Benefit from interactive visualizations 

We’ve mentioned the power of a call center analysis report several times throughout this article. With so much information available to us, infinite excel sheets are not enough anymore. Successful service center reporting should be easy to understand and tell a story that everyone, from agents to managers, will be able to use as a tool to support their discussions. 

For this purpose, you should invest in a dashboarding software offering interactive visualizations and real-time data. datapine’s dashboard maker includes pre-made templates with graphs and charts that will enable you to create complete reports in the form of professional service center dashboards that are adaptable to multiple devices. Through this, you will be able to do the whole analysis process on one screen and filter the data depending on who needs to work with it. 

Using interactive visualizations will enable you to identify service inefficiencies and fix them in time quickly. In the long run, you will save costs, enhance your customer service, and motivate your employees to improve. If you want to get started with the topic, check out our complete guide to the different types of graphs and charts and when to use them.

3. Make the data accessible 

Accessibility and collaboration are two fundamental aspects of successful call center reporting. In order for your efforts to pay off, you need to make sure that everyone in your organization has access to the information. Starting with a data analysis software that is user-friendly and doesn’t require analytical skills to extract its full potential, and has the possibility to visualize reports on multiple devices. In addition to this, your reports should be easy to share and have the possibility to be run periodically and sent to relevant stakeholders such as managers or agents. 

By giving agents access to their performance data and empowering them to create their own reports, you will enhance cross-departmental collaboration, and build a data-driven culture in your contact center. 

4. Invest in call center reporting tools 

The data analytics industry is growing exponentially. Every day, more and more businesses are finding a competitive advantage in leveraging their data, increasing the offer of available tools in the market. When performing call center reporting you should always consider investing in a tool that will help you extract the maximum value out of your data. 

We already mentioned in our previous point that the basic nature of these kinds of tools should be their user-friendly interface and accessibility without the need for professional analytic skills. Added to this, the tool you chose needs to include interactive visualizations and the possibility to connect multiple touchpoints of data into one place. 

Although all of these features are important, what will actually differentiate you from the competition are advanced analytical features. Business intelligence tools such as datapine offer predictive analytics to find trends and benchmarks in your data with the help of machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies. In addition, the software includes self-service and automation features that will save your company hours of manual work.

5. Learn, apply & repeat 

Our final tip for effective service center data reporting is to learn from the process. After driving actionable insights from your data, it’s time to get to work. Be willing to invest in agent training, implement regular coaching sessions so that your employees can always be on top of the latest technologies and techniques to deal with customers, and take time to empower them in working with data and measuring their own performance. You can do this by holding monthly meetings to discuss strategies and find possible bottlenecks, this way your entire team will be data-driven and you will see positive results in no time.

What Should Be Included in a Call Center Report?

Key elements that should be included in a successful call center report

Now that you know how to approach call center analytics reporting with confidence, let’s look at exactly what you should include in a well-rounded call center dashboard.

1. Real-time insights

First of all, you need to ensure that your call center dashboards are as robust and responsive as possible. To do so, it’s important to work with a cohesive mix of real-time insights.

When it comes to effective tracking, real-time insights play a pivotal role. In a contact center environment, issues can escalate and events can unfold swiftly. Armed with visualizations that empower you to make important decisions at a glance, you will avoid costly mistakes while making your department far more responsive.

2. Sentiment analysis insights

Another key consideration for a call center metrics dashboard is sentiment analysis. This branch of call center reporting information is based on discovering peoples’ thoughts, feelings, or opinions on a certain subject matter.

In this context, you should include visualizations that will help you drill down into consumer feedback and derive actionable insights. KPIs like the net promoter score (NPS) are prime examples of sentiment analysis insights.

Here, you can gauge how people perceive your brand, based on the level of service you provide. By understanding these ‘sentiments’ on a deeper level, you can make vital improvements to your communications strategy as well as messaging.

3. Historic or trend-based insights

To ensure your call center KPI dashboard is insightful and well-rounded, you should make sure you have access to historic or trend-based visualizations.

Charts, graphs, or KPIs that display trends or patterns over a certain timeframe will give you a deeper understanding of your overall performance in certain key areas. If you see dips in your phone-based resolution rates at certain times within the month or year, for example, you can pinpoint the issue and develop targeted strategies to make vital improvements.

4. Benchmarking Statistics

The best call center reports contain clear-cut benchmarking visualizations or statistics. These are branches of information or KPIs that allow you to set a specific benchmark and check whether you’re meeting your targets with ease.

When it comes to contact center performance, working to targets is absolutely essential. So, you should ensure that every visualization contained within your contact center report allows you to set, as well as work towards, actionable benchmarks. There really is no compromise here.

5. Unbiased data

We’ve added this to the end of this section because it’s a piece of advice that will form the foundations of your call center performance activities.

When you’re curating the insights for your contact center dashboards, it’s important to ensure that all of the information comes from trusted sources and has been vetted for quality. Your insights must be 100% concrete to offer you an objective appraisal of your progress as well as performance across every key area of the department.

Always double and triple-check your insights before interacting with them within your contact center reports to ensure that every action you take offers genuine value to the department – and the organization as a whole.

See Call Center Dashboard Reporting Examples

A contact department report is an incredibly powerful tool for modern business. To put this notion into perspective here are six examples of our call center report samples in addition to critical KPI examples associated with each report.

1. Call Center Talk Dashboard

Call center dashboard displaying call performance & quality metrics

**click to enlarge**

We start our list of dashboard examples with the call center talk dashboard. As we mentioned before, call centers have a bad reputation for long waiting times with often unsuccessful results. For this reason, keeping a close eye on your waiting times and the quality of your calls is fundamental for your contact center’s success. 

The reporting tool above contains the main visualizations needed to monitor and analyze the performance of your calls divided into four bigger areas: unsuccessful inbound calls, efficiency, activity, and quality. Like this, you get a detailed overview that will enable you to drive advanced insights from your call center data. 

For starters, you can compare your unsuccessful calls with the average queue time and drive deeper conclusions to solve the issue. Do you need to hire more agents so that the waiting times won’t be so long? Or maybe you need to invest in training so that your agents will handle requests faster? 

Paired with this, the reporting tool gives a detailed breakdown of each agent’s activity. By looking at these insights you can find which agents are lacking training or which ones perform better in which stage of the process. Finally, the reporting tool offers a quality graph based on a positive and a negative benchmark. By looking at how the data fluctuated you can identify in which periods the quality was low and dig deeper to find the reasons. 

Primary KPIs: 

  • Unsuccessful inbound calls
  • Agents activity
  • Talk efficiency 
  • Quality rate by date 

2. Call Center Team Dashboard

This call center dashboard visual provides key insights into the resolutions and response time KPIs

**click to enlarge**

Our call center team reporting tool drills down into your team’s daily, weekly, or monthly performance, providing insight into resolution times, response rates, and optimal service times. Created with a powerful dashboard builder, this visual will ensure your team has a clear overview of their performance and results.

Moreover, this call report provides information on the number of issues your customer department receives, priceless customer feedback on a regular basis as well as insights on the performance of individual agents.

This balanced mix of data will not only help you take measures to train, engage, and motivate the staff that needs the most support while rewarding your top performers, resulting in improved complaints resolutions and response rates, but by gaining consumer feedback, you will also be able to make vital changes to your internal processes.

Primary KPIs:

  • Average Response Time
  • First Call Resolution
  • Top Agents
  • Number of Issues

3. Call Center Customer Satisfaction Dashboard

This call center dashboard visual provides key insights into the resolutions and response time KPIs

**click to enlarge**

Today’s consumers value the opinion of their peers over anything else, so keeping your customers satisfied should be a top priority.

Honing in on essential metrics including Net Promoter Score (NPS), ongoing customer satisfaction levels, customer effort scores, and customer retention rates, this report is invaluable to the ongoing improvement made to your business’s customer experience activities.

Each of the KPIs displayed on the report are geared toward improving all of your customer-facing strategies, giving you the power to make critical changes to your service tactics – the kind of tweaks that will help your customers get exactly what they want while minimizing the effort they need to make to get it.

By evolving your customer service department in these areas and drilling down into contact center data analytics, you will be able to improve your customer strategy in a big way, boosting your customer retention rates as well as your brand’s reputation.

Primary KPIs

  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Net Promoter Score
  • Customer Effort Score
  • Customer Retention

4. Customer Support KPI Dashboard

Call center data analytics presented with the revenue value, costs per support, average time to solve an issu and overall satisfaction

**click to enlarge**

While this particular call center dashboard focuses on customer satisfaction and service levels, it also offers an under the skin glance at important customer service revenues and ongoing support costs.

Measuring the percentage of costs against your revenue offers a clear snapshot of how much is invested in your service center support teams relative to the income you generate. Investing in your customer support team, activities, and infrastructure is, of course, essential, as this will result in increased customer retention and a boost in brand loyalty, and the display on this report will help you do this more efficiently, cutting unnecessary costs and placing focus on the areas that require the most attention.

Our customer support business dashboard gathers priceless customer feedback, offers insights that help improve support levels, and provides a sustainable means of enhancing your customer service center’s bottom line, making it an incredibly valuable tool for the contemporary customer-facing business.

Primary KPIs

  • Service Level
  • Support Costs vs Revenue
  • Customer Satisfaction

5. Daily Operational Zendesk Dashboard

A call center dashboard example for a department or company focused on a ticket system

**click to enlarge**

When it comes to streamlining your customer service strategies, Zendesk is a powerful tool. This dynamic Zendesk dashboard offers invaluable means of squeezing every last drop of value from this invaluable platform. Although it can be used for managing daily customer support operations, call centers can utilize it for their ticket systems as well.

Visually appealing, logically formatted, and equipped with focused KPIs designed to enhance performance, this most powerful of call center report samples is essential for any modern organization across industries.

Offering trend-based data as well as detailed service insights, our Zendesk dashboards are an effective means of quantifying and maintaining your customer service operations on a day-to-day basis – a testament to the power of call center dashboards.

Primary KPIs:

  • Tickets & Ticket-Status
  • First Response Time (FRT)
  • Average Resolution Time

6. Zendesk KPI Dashboard

A call center KPI dashboard depicting metrics such as the tickets by channel, type, and satisfaction score

**click to enlarge**

Last but certainly not least in our rundown of call center reporting examples, our Zendesk KPI platform is an invaluable tool for streamlining your customer service strategy. If you have to deal with large volumes of calls from people who are seeking technical support, then integrating such a report might be a great solution.

Boasting the perfect storm of data visualizations and long-term strategic KPIs, this invaluable performance dashboard provides the tools necessary to meet the ever-changing needs of your customers while enhancing your consumer-facing initiatives over time while tracking all your ticket statuses on a single screen.

Not only does this effective tool assist in the ongoing improvement of your performance, but it also offers a wider scope of the moves you will need to make to improve your service initiatives across all consumer-facing platforms and touchpoints.

Primary KPIs:

  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Tickets by Types
  • Tickets by Channel

7. Omnichannel Contact Center Dashboard

A call center KPI dashboard depicting metrics such as the tickets by channel, type, and satisfaction score

**click to enlarge**

Last, but certainly not least in our rundown of call center dashboard examples, we have our omnichannel contact center reporting tool.

This insightful template is designed to help service-based operatives or decision-makers monitor trends as well as ongoing performance across every key consumer-facing channel. Here, you can get a firm grasp of average resolution times, the average costs of solving queries or issues, abandon rates, and solved tickets across service channels with a swift glance.

This powerful call center management report will ultimately improve the way you distribute your resources while making targeted improvements to your comms and strategies across different channels – the kind that will boost efficiency, drive down unnecessary costs, and ultimately, improve your brand reputation.

The most striking attribute of this particular customer service dashboard template is the fact that it offers a concise omnichannel view of your whole department’s activities. Having access to such a balanced vision will help you expand your service strategy beyond calls alone, empowering you to meet your consumers’ needs at any point in their journey.

Primary KPIs:

  • Average Resolution Time
  • Cost Per Resolution
  • Total & Solved Tickets By Channel
  • Abandon Rate

Top 5 Call Center Metrics

Now that you’re better acquainted with our real-life call center dashboard examples, we’re going to drill down a little deeper and explore the insights or KPIs that you should track on a frequent basis. These insights will ensure you consistently meet your goals while giving all of your staff the tools to perform to the best of their abilities.

1. First Call Resolution (FCR)

This metric shows how many problems are solved on the first call, second, third or more call

Our first call center KPI is the First Call Resolution or FCR. This invaluable KPI serves up vital trend-based data on how consistently as well as efficiently your team can assist a customer in the full-on initial contact. Here you can view how many interactions it takes to resolve a customer query over a specific timeframe. In doing so, you can drill down into the periods where your service efforts have dwindled and get to the heart of the problem swiftly. Whether it’s restructuring your department, investing in more support staff, or providing the right level of training, this essential KPI will give you the tools to create strategies that will boost your performance.

2. Abandon Rate

The abandon rate is a crucial call center metric to track

This rather telling piece of call center dashboard software information offers a direct appraisal of consumer abandonment rates. In addition to being able to view real-time abandonment rate percentages, you can also monitor the fluctuations in performance across relevant channels. Again, having access to this information is key to making targeted improvements to the way you approach customer queries as well as how you distribute your efforts and resources. Reducing these numbers will significantly improve your overall service performance while building all-important consumer trust as well as loyalty.

3. Average Response Time

Average Response Time charts displaying the time in seconds needed to answer a call, on average and per days of the week.

This vital contact center dashboard metric not only measures your average call response time but presents it in a way that will empower you to drill down into performance-based trends. Working with this powerful KPI will give you the tools to understand the times in the week when your response times are most concise and when they take the longest. Monitoring this insight over time will allow you to reduce overall hold times consistently by knowing when you need the most agents on hand to handle conversations. The best thing about this KPI is the fact that it will allow you to tweak and change your efforts over time – keeping your average response times consistently low in the process.

4. Top Support Agents

Call center KPI: ranking your agents according to specific criteria to find out who stands out

The top agents metric is a fundamental indicator to track to improve the performance of your contact center. With insights into first call resolution, average calls per hour, and customer satisfaction percentages you are able to fully analyze the development of each agent and find areas of improvement if necessary. For instance, we can see that Matt D Dillion has the lowest call resolution percentage as well as customer satisfaction. This is an opportunity to look into his processes and provide him with the necessary training to improve.

5. Average Resolution Time

Average resolution time in minutes as a call center metric example

Last but not least in our rundown of service insights, we have Average Resolution Time. The ability to resolve a customer-facing issue swiftly and with confidence across channels is vital as it will have a significant impact on your satisfaction rates and brand reputation. Broken down into ‘Standard’ and ‘Special’ request categories, this KPI will plot out accurate trend lines that will give you greater context on slumps in your resolution performance. These issues could have to do with agent support or training, a lack of available staff at certain times within the week or month, or inefficient handling processes. Whatever the reason, you’ll be able to drill down deeper and find a powerful solution.

Key Takeaways From Call Center Dashboards

We’ve considered the questions of what is call center analytics and dashboards. We’ve also looked at powerful real-world examples that demonstrate the level of detail contact center-based technology provides both on a short- and long-term basis. And the message is clear: by leveraging the right data and technology, you have absolutely everything to gain – and so do your customers. It’s a two-way street, and by investing in customer service, you will be rewarded with long-term success.

If our call center reporting samples have taught us anything, it’s that to work, customer service must be measured. Working with the right mix of metrics will give you direction, context, confidence, and intelligence. You cannot shoot in the dark and hope for the best – these days especially, you must lead with insight and vision.

Yes, in the digital age, customers judge brands and businesses based on the level of support they deliver. That said, to thrive, and indeed, survive, in tomorrow’s world, ensuring that your call center is operating at an optimum level is essential.

By using data-driven reports and analytics to your advantage, you stand to make the tweaks, changes, and enhancements necessary for tangible long-term success, making your customer service department an efficient, productive, intelligent, and well-oiled machine long into the future.

Are you ready to delve into the rewarding world of contact center analytics? To learn more and start your data-driven journey, try our 14-day trial – for free! We look forward to working with you.


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