What Are The Top Ranking Factors In 2023


The website ranking factors primarily focused on content relevance and quality, user experience, link profiles, mobile-friendliness, and various technical SEO parameters. However, search engines continually update their algorithms to provide users with the best search results and keep pace with technological and behavioral changes.

Website ranking factors primarily focus on content relevance and quality, user experience, link profiles, mobile-friendliness, and technical SEO parameters. However, search engines continually update their algorithms to provide users with the best search results and keep pace with technological and behavioral changes.

In 2023, some factors might remain consistent, while others might have evolved. Based on trends and the direction search engines are heading in 2023, here are some potential top website ranking factors for 2023:

Image of the top 7 ranking factors in 2015.

Links, particularly quality links, have long been a cornerstone of search engine optimization (SEO) and a significant factor in determining a website’s ranking. Here’s an exploration into why links, and more specifically quality links, are essential for website ranking:

While it’s essential to recognize the significance of links in SEO, it’s equally crucial to approach link-building ethically. Black-hat techniques, like buying links or participating in link farms, can lead to penalties from search engines.

The emphasis should always be on acquiring quality links that add value to users rather than merely increasing the number of links. As search engine algorithms continue to evolve, the focus will always remain on providing the best user experience, and quality links are a part of that equation.

Validation and Trustworthiness:

Endorsement: When one website links to another, it’s like an endorsement. It suggests that the linking website believes the target website offers value to its audience.
Trustworthiness: Websites that receive backlinks from reputable, high-authority sources can be seen as more trustworthy by search engines.

Link Building

Web Structure Understanding:

Search Engine Navigation: Links help search engines navigate the web. They follow links from one page to another, indexing content.
Site Hierarchy: Internal links (links that go to other parts of the same website) help search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of a website, making it easier to index and understand the content.

Page and Domain Authority:

Link Juice: Quality links pass on what SEO professionals call “link juice.” This is a non-quantifiable measure of authority from one page to another.
Domain Authority: A combination of quality backlinks from diverse, high-authority sources can improve a website’s overall domain authority, positively affecting the ranking of all its pages.

Referral Traffic:

Audience Expansion: Links from other websites can drive their audience to your site, increasing traffic.
Engagement Metrics: With more referral traffic, engagement metrics such as dwell time (how long a visitor stays on your site) can improve, signaling to search engines that your site is valuable to users.

Competitive Advantage:

Edge Over Rivals: In competitive niches, having quality backlinks can give one website an edge over another, especially if all other factors are roughly equal.

Topic Relevance and Context:

Topical Authority: Links from websites that are authoritative in a specific niche can reinforce the topical authority of your site in that same niche.
Contextual Understanding: The anchor text (the clickable text in a hyperlink) and the surrounding content give search engines context about the linked page’s content.

Natural Growth: A variety of backlinks, ranging from high authority domains to niche-specific sites, indicates more organic growth and a natural link profile, which search engines prefer.

Comprehensive Coverage: High-quality content thoroughly addresses its topic. Whether it’s a step-by-step guide, an opinion piece, or a research study, the content should offer substantial insights that cater to the reader’s curiosity and informational needs.

3. Web Core Vitals “Page Speed.”

Web Core Vitals are specific factors that Google considers essential in a webpage’s overall user experience. These vitals are part of Google’s ongoing effort to ensure web pages provide the best user experience, particularly in loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability. They are critical because they directly relate to how real-world users experience a webpage rather than just abstract or technical benchmarks.

Page Speed Insights Perfect 100

Web Core Vitals consist of the following metrics:

  1. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): This metric measures loading performance. It gauges how long it takes for the main content of a page to load and be visible to the user. An ideal LCP measurement is 2.5 seconds or faster when the page starts loading.
  2. First Input Delay (FID): This metric measures interactivity. It calculates when a user first interacts with a page (like clicking a link or tapping on a button) to when the browser begins processing that interaction. An optimal FID is less than 100 milliseconds.
  3. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): This metric measures visual stability. It quantifies how often users experience unexpected layout shifts on a page – for instance when an ad suddenly appears and pushes the content you’re reading down the page. A good CLS score is less than 0.1.

It’s important to note that while Web Core Vitals are essential, they are just a part of the broader Page Experience signal, including factors like mobile-friendliness, safe browsing, HTTPS security, and adherence to best practices that limit intrusive interstitials.

Webmasters and developers should pay attention to these metrics because they directly impact user experience and search rankings. Tools like Google Search Console, Google PageSpeed Insights, and the Chrome User Experience Report can provide insights into how a website performs against these metrics and offer recommendations for improvement.

4. Mobile-first indexing

Mobile-first indexing refers to Google’s practice of using the mobile version of a webpage for indexing and ranking in its search results rather than the desktop version. This approach stems from the increasing prevalence of mobile internet users over desktop users.

Social Media

Why Mobile-First Indexing?

  1. The shift in User Behavior: Over the past several years, the number of mobile users has surpassed that of desktop users. This means that many users experience the web primarily through mobile devices.
  2. Consistency in Results: Before mobile-first indexing, Google primarily used the desktop version of a page’s content for indexing and ranking. This could lead to issues when the mobile page has less content than the desktop version. With mobile-first indexing, there’s greater consistency in showing search results that align with most user experiences.

What Does Mobile-First Indexing Mean for Websites?

  1. Mobile Optimization is Crucial: If your site isn’t mobile-friendly or lacks certain content or functionality on mobile, it could negatively impact your rankings and user experience.
  2. No Separate Mobile URL: Previously, some websites had a separate mobile version on a different URL (e.g., m.example.com). With mobile-first indexing, a responsive design that adjusts to the screen size is more beneficial than having separate URLs.
  3. Consistent Content Across Devices: Ensure your mobile site has the same crucial content as your desktop site. If there’s less content on mobile, that version will be indexed and used for determining rankings.
  4. Structured Data: Ensure structured data is consistent across mobile and desktop site versions.
  5. Check Visual and Multimedia Elements: Images, videos, and other visual elements should be optimized for mobile to ensure they load quickly and are displayed correctly.

It’s Not Mobile-Only Indexing

It’s essential to understand that mobile-first doesn’t mean mobile-only. Google still indexes desktop sites, and there’s no separate “mobile-first index” distinct from the main index. Instead, the shift means that Google views the mobile version as the primary version of the site.

With the introduction of mobile-first indexing, Google underscores the significance of mobile-friendly web design. Website owners should prioritize delivering a seamless and consistent experience across devices to cater to the diverse ways users access their content.

5. Search Intent / User Intent

Search intent, often referred to as user intent, is the primary goal or motive a user has when typing a query into a search engine. In other words, it’s what the searcher tries to achieve or discover when they conduct a search. Understanding and optimizing for search intent is crucial for search engines and content creators because it ensures that users get the most relevant results for their queries, leading to a better user experience.

Google Search

There are typically four main types of search intent:

  1. Informational Intent: The user is looking for information or an answer to a question. Examples include queries like “What is search intent,” “How to change a tire”, or “History of the Eiffel Tower”. These searches aim to understand a topic or get specific information.
  2. Navigational Intent: The user wants to visit a specific website or webpage. For example, typing “YouTube” or “OpenAI website” into a search engine indicates that the user is trying to find a particular site or page rather than general information about the term.
  3. Transactional Intent: The user aims to purchase something or perform a web-based activity. Queries like “buy iPhone 13” or “book a flight to Paris” reflect transactional intent. Such users are typically further down the purchase funnel and are looking to take specific actions.
  4. Commercial Investigation: The user intends to research and compare products or services before purchasing. Examples might include “Best DSLR cameras 2023” or “iPhone vs. Samsung comparison”. These searches indicate that the user is considering a purchase but wants more information before deciding.

Why is Search Intent Important?

  • Improved SEO: Understanding and catering to search intent can help web pages rank higher in search results. If a webpage meets the user’s intent better than competing pages, search engines like Google are more likely to rank it higher.
  • Enhanced User Experience: When content aligns with user intent, visitors are more likely to be satisfied with the information they find, reducing bounce rates and improving engagement.
  • Increased Conversions: For businesses, aligning content with transactional or commercial investigation intent can lead to higher conversion rates, as the content will be tailored to users ready to make a purchase or those close to deciding.

For content creators and SEO professionals, it’s essential to research and understand the intent behind target keywords and craft content that best serves that intent.

Semantic search is an approach to querying data that seeks to improve search accuracy by understanding the searcher’s intent and the contextual meaning of terms. Instead of focusing solely on keywords or exact-match phrases, semantic search delves into the relationship between words and the nuances of language, providing a more holistic approach to retrieving information.

Semantic search represents a shift from a literal interpretation of search queries to a more nuanced, context-aware system. It’s a move toward making search engines think more like humans, understanding the subtleties of language, and delivering results that align more closely with user intent.

Here’s a deeper look into what constitutes semantic search:

Key Components of Semantic Search:

  1. User Intent: Understanding what a user likely means or wants to achieve with a query, rather than just looking at the exact words they typed.
  2. Context: Recognizing factors like a user’s location, search history, global events, or the time of year, which can influence the meaning of a search.
  3. Relationships: Identifying how terms relate to each other. For instance, recognizing that “apple” in the context of “delicious apple” refers to the fruit, but in the context of “Apple products,” it refers to the tech company.

Factors Driving Semantic Search:

  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables machines to understand, interpret, and generate human language. It’s fundamental in helping search engines discern the context and relationships between words.
  2. Knowledge Graphs: These are interconnected databases of facts about people, places, and things and how they relate to one another. Google’s Knowledge Graph, for instance, helps it display relevant information directly in search results.
  3. Entity Recognition: This refers to the ability to identify and categorize key information in text, such as names of people, places, or organizations.
  4. Personalization: Search engines consider individual user data, like search history or frequently visited sites, to tailor results to a user’s behavior and preferences.

Why Semantic Search Matters:

  1. Improved Accuracy: By focusing on intent and context, search engines can provide more relevant results, even if a query isn’t phrased perfectly.
  2. Conversational Queries: With the rise of voice search and digital assistants, people are using more natural, conversational queries. Semantic search is better equipped to handle these than traditional keyword-based models.
  3. Better Content Recognition: For content creators, semantic search means that producing high-quality, context-rich content can lead to better recognition and ranking, even if the exact keywords aren’t constantly repeated.

7. Site Architecture.

Site architecture refers to the structure and organization of a website’s content and pages. Well-organized site architecture not only ensures a better user experience but also plays a crucial role in how search engines index and rank content. Here’s why site architecture is an important ranking factor:

SEO Content Writing
  1. Crawlability & Indexability: Search engines use web crawlers (or spiders/bots) to discover and index web pages. A well-organized site structure allows these crawlers to find and index content efficiently. If your architecture is too complex or has broken links, some pages might not get indexed at all.
  2. Distributing Page Authority: Inbound links to your website increase its overall domain authority. With a well-planned internal linking structure, this authority (or “link juice”) can be distributed throughout your site, benefiting many pages, not just those with direct inbound links.
  3. User Experience (UX): A logical and intuitive site structure helps users find information quickly and easily. When visitors can navigate a site effortlessly, they’re more likely to spend more time on it and visit more pages. Search engines recognize and reward positive user behaviors with higher rankings.
  4. Semantic Relationships & Context: A clear site hierarchy helps search engines understand the relationship and context between different pieces of content. This can improve how search engines interpret the relevance and importance of pages in response to user queries.
  5. Reduction in Bounce Rate: If users can’t find what they’re looking for due to a confusing site structure, they’re more likely to leave quickly. A high bounce rate (users leaving after viewing only one page) can be a negative signal to search engines about the quality or relevance of a site.
  6. Enhanced Site Links: For some search queries, Google displays site links below the main website link in the search results. These are shortcuts to important pages within the site. A clear site architecture increases the likelihood of Google displaying these site links for your website, providing more visibility and a higher click-through rate.
  7. Clear Content Hierarchies: Good site architecture organizes content in clear hierarchies (e.g., categories and subcategories). This helps search engines understand which content is the most important and which topics are related.
  8. Mobile Experience: With mobile-first indexing, the experience of users on mobile devices is crucial. A well-structured site ensures that mobile users have an efficient and optimized experience, further influencing rankings.

In essence, while site architecture may seem like a design or user-focused concern, its implications for SEO are significant. Properly structured websites offer dual benefits: they cater to human users by providing a positive browsing experience and align with technical requirements that make the site more accessible and understandable to search engines.

8. Content Relevance and Quality:

The Reign of Content

To understand the prominence of content, one needs to reflect on the primary objective of search engines: to deliver the most pertinent, informative, and reliable answers to user queries. Search engines aim to ensure that when a user types a query, they’re presented with the best possible resources to answer or address their needs. To achieve this, content quality, relevance, and authority are pivotal.

Delving into Content Quality

1. Comprehensive Coverage: High-quality content thoroughly addresses its topic. Whether it’s a step-by-step guide, an opinion piece, or a research study, the content should offer substantial insights that cater to the reader’s curiosity and informational needs.

2. Unique Perspective: The digital world is inundated with content. To stand out, it’s not enough to present facts. Content should bring a unique voice, perspective, or angle, adding value that can’t be found elsewhere.

3. Well-Structured & Formatted: Quality is also reflected in the presentation. Clear headings, short paragraphs, bullet points, and relevant images or multimedia elements can enhance the reader’s experience.

4. Credible Sources: Reliability is critical. Incorporating credible sources and references can bolster the content’s authority and trustworthiness.

The Significance of Relevance

Content must resonate with its intended audience. It must address their current needs, questions, and concerns. Relevance can be understood in various dimensions:

1. Temporal Relevance: Timely content reflecting current trends, events, or seasons, often engages readers more effectively.

2. Contextual Relevance: The content should be appropriate for the platform it’s on and the audience it targets. For instance, a detailed how-to guide might be perfect for a blog, while a short, snappy video might work better for social media.

3. Semantic Relevance: With advancements in AI, search engines have become adept at understanding context. It’s not just about keyword density anymore. It’s about ensuring the content contextually and semantically aligns with user intent.

How you present your pages on the search results is another of our top ranking factors in 2015. Creating unique titles, meta descriptions, and headers will reinforce your content and make users more likely to click on your page. Just make sure you meet the correct character count requirements!

10. Social Presence.

Are you engaging with your users? Do you make sure your brand is always front and center? It isn’t enough to “have a blog” if you aren’t using it to converse with customers. How your business is seen on social media is becoming one of the fastest-growing ranking factors 2015. Are users sharing your content? Commenting on your blog posts? They should be; if they aren’t, you need an SEO service provider to whip your social into shape. An excellent social presence has other SEO advantages for your business; we review them more in-depth in the webinar.

Bonus: Important SEO Tools You Should Be Using

We also shared with you the top SEO tools you need to use to stay relevant and competitive in SEO. These range from tools that help monitor your backlinks to the all-powerful Google Search Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tools). While these tools can’t replace the SEO services you’ll get from an SEO company with 25 years of experience, they have their value.

Our team, comprised of Garry Grant, Sergio Stephano, and Dalton Grant, smiles for the selfie stick!

Left to right: Vice President of Business Development Sergio Stephano, CEO, founder Garry Grant, Director of SEO Dalton Grant.


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What Are The Top Ranking Factors In 2023
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